Which approach did George Bush choose to lobby Congress and the nation about Iraq?
USNewsLink, June 8, 2003
No 10 regret on war
Downing Street is to express regret about the fundamental flaws in the second 'dodgy
dossier' on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. Senior Whitehall sources told
the Observer that the officials who will be called before the Intelligence and Security
Committee inquiry into the weapons issue will say that the second dossier on Saddam's
history of deception undermined public trust in government information. If Blair is
questioned on the issue, he will concede that mistakes were made. Number 10 officials now
admit that the second dossier, which was largely culled from a 13-year-old thesis by a
Californian PhD student, is damaging the Government's case for war against Iraq.
"What disturbs me deeply
is what I think are the disingenuous statements made from the very top about what the
intelligence did say. The area of distortion was greatest in the nuclear field." -
Retired State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research Official, Greg Thielmann, on
the Bush Administration's statements about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The arms hunt: were
they weapons of self-delusion?
Despite frantic efforts by leaders on both sides of the Atlantic, it's the story that
won't go away. As spies and spin doctors trade insults, the mystery of Saddam's arsenal
grows ever deeper.
Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction:
President George W. Bush has got a very serious problem.
Before asking Congress for a Joint Resolution authorizing the use of American military
forces in Iraq, he made a number of unequivocal statements about the reason the United
States needed to pursue the most radical actions any nation can undertake - acts of war
against another nation. Now it is clear that many of his statements appear to be false.
Bush Wanted Iraq Oil Bad Enough To Lie To The Country
The Bush administration pushed for war against Iraq last fall because of weapons of mass
destruction despite a secret Pentagon report it did not have enough "reliable
information" Iraq was amassing chemical weapons, a defense official said on Friday.
Cloaks and Daggers
It's Day 78 and still no weapons of mass destruction. But the spooks are beginning to
talk, and that can't be a bad thing.
Because We Could
The "real reason" for the war in Iraq was that after 9/11 America needed to hit
someone in the Arab-Muslim world.
Blair Face Heat Over Iraq Weapons
Before the war, the Bush administration portrayed Iraq as full of killer poisons with
strange names and deadly effects, which terrorists could get hold of and unleash on U.S.
cities. Those claims and fears have not been borne out so far. Was the intelligence
regarding Iraq inaccurate or distorted between when it was gathered and presented to the
world? Congress is looking into the matter. Prime Minister Tony Blair's government in
Britain is facing similar scrutiny.
Iraq Had Secret Labs, Officer Says
Saddam Hussein's intelligence services set up a network of clandestine cells and small
laboratories after 1996 with the goal of someday rebuilding illicit chemical and
biological weapons, according to a former senior Iraqi intelligence officer. |